
Seven issues from the Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola and many commercial issues from Ediciones Minotauro/Editorial Planeta, S.A.. I have found them all difficult to obtain. Thank you to Pardagast for his time and help to collect several of them! And many thanks to Imrahil (Helios) for his assistance with the S.T.E. issues.
1992 JOC International

�el Se�or de los Anillos" Credit card-sized calendar with 1992 calendar on back. Dimensions: 2 3/8 x 3 3/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 Unknown number published. (x)
1993 JOC International

�el Se�or de los anillos" Credit card-sized calendar with 1993 calendar on back. Dimensions: 2 3/8 x 3 3/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 Unknown number published. (x)
1994 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-450-7212-9
VARIANT: �J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1994� Illustrations by Michael Kaluta. Dimensions: 13 3/8 x 15 1/4 inches (w x h); plastic wire-bound; thick plastic hanging loop.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. Has appeared only once on eBay. (x)
1994 JOC International

�el Se�or de los anillos" Credit card-sized calendar with 1994 calendar on back. Dimensions: 2 3/8 x 3 3/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 Unknown number published. (x)
1994 JOC International

�el Se�or de los anillos" Credit card-sized calendar with 1994 calendar on back. Dimensions: 2 3/8 x 3 3/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 Unknown number published. (x)
1995 Ediciones Minotauro

VARIANT: �J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1995�

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. Has appeared only once on eBay.
1996 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-450-7212-9
VARIANT: �J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1996� Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 13 3/8 x 15 1/4 inches (w x h); wire-bound; thick plastic hanging loop.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. Has appeared only once on eBay. (x)
1996 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola/Valladolid Smial

"Computo de Imladris Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola 96 97" Created by members of the Valladolid Smial of the Spanish Tolkien Society. A wall calendar of the elvish "year" (loa) which began in March 1996: one sheet per elvish "month" (tuile, laire, etc) plus an illustrated front-cover; every cell included its Gregorian equivalent - also lunar phases and other info. Dimensions: A4 size.

Rarity: 8 It is estimated that a dozen or so were created.
1997 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-450-7256-0
VARIANT: �J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1997� Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13 1/2; x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped; with heavy cardboard insert.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. Has appeared only once on eBay. (x)
1997 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola/Valladolid Smial

"Calendario de Imladris " Created by members of the Valladolid Smial of the Spanish Tolkien Society. A pocket-size notebook with one sheet sheet per elvish "week" (enquie), plus one illustration at the beginning of each "month". Dimensions: A7 size; black spiral wirebound.

Rarity: 8 An estimated 40 were created. (x)
1998 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-45-072837
VARIANT: �Tolkien Calendario 1998� Illustrations by several artists. Dimensions: 13 1/2; x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped; with heavy cardboard insert.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (x)
1999 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-45-072837
VARIANT: �Tolkien Calendario 1999�

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find.
2000 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-450-7318-4
VARIANT: �Tolkien Calendario 2000 Ilustrado por Ted Nasmith� Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped; with heavy cardboard insert.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. Has appeared once on eBay. (m)
2001 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-45-073469
VARIANT: �Tolkien Calendario 2001� Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped; with heavy cardboard insert.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (x)
2002 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 88-44-507362
VARIANT: �Tolkien Calendario 2002 Ted Nasmith� Features drawings from �The Fellowship of the Ring� to coincide with the release of the movie from New Line Cinema Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped; with heavy cardboard insert.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (x)
2003 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 84-450-7404-0
VARIANT: �Tolkien Calendario 2003, illustrado por Ted Nasmith� The paintings are all based on "The Two Towers". Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (m)
2004 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0746-8
"2004 Calendario Illustrado por Ted Nasmith" Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrink-wrapped.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (m)
2005 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0751-2
VARIANT: "El Senor de los Anillos Calendario 50 Aniversario" Illustrations by Professor Tolkien. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (x)
2006 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0755-0
VARIANT: "Calendario del Hobbit 2006" Illustrations by Professor Tolkien. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrink-wrapped.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (m)
2007 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0760
VARIANT: "Tolkien El Senor de los Anillos 2007 Ilustrado por Alan Lee" Illustrations by Alan Lee. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrink-wrapped.

Rarity: 8 Although a commercial issue, these are very hard to find. (m)
2008 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0765
VARIANT: "Tolkien Los Hijos de Hurin Calendario 2008 Ilustrado por Alan Lee" Illustrations by Alan Lee. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrink-wrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)
2008 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Merry Christmas" A Christmas postcard with 2008 calendar from La Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. The illustration is from the last Father Christmas letter from JRRT to his daughter, Priscilla, with a greeting from the Spanish Tolkien Society. Dimensions: 3.875 x 8.25 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 6? Need to confirm number with S.T.E. Probably not more than several hundred. (x)
2009 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0771
VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendario 2009 Ilustrado por Ted Nasmith" Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrink-wrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)
2009 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" Credit card-sized calendar with 2009 calendar on back.Dimensions: 3 3/8 x 2 1/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 Unknown number published, but probably not a large number. (x)
2009 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�2009 Calendario Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" 2009 desk calendar by the Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. Dimensions: 4 x 5 3/4 inches (w x h); black wire bound.

Rarity: 7 100 were created. (m)
2010 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 9 788445 077382
VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendario 2010 Ilustrado por Ted Nasmith" Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find.
2010 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Calendario 2010 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" 2010 calendar by the Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. Cover and twelve monthly cards in a crystal case. Dimensions: case - 5 x 5 1/2; cards - 4 5/8 x 5 3/8 inches (w x h.)

Rarity: 7 60 were created. (m)
2011 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 9 788445 077382
VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendario 2011 Ilustrado por Cor Blok" Illustrations by Cor Blok. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)
2011 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Calendario 2011 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" 2011 calendar by the Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. Cover and twelve monthly cards in a crystal case. Dimensions: case - 5 x 5 1/2; cards - 4 5/8 x 5 3/8 inches (w x h.)

Rarity: 7 ? were created. (m)
2012 Editorial Planeta, S.A.

VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendario 2012 Ilustrado por Cor Blok" Illustrations by Cor Blok. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m,s)
2012 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Calendario 2011 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" 2012 calendar by the Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. Cover and twelve monthly cards in a crystal case. Dimensions: case - 5 x 5 1/2; cards - 4 5/8 x 5 3/8 inches (w x h.)

Rarity: 7 These were created on demand (upon order.) (m)
2013 Editorial Planeta, S.A.

ISBN: 978-8445-000175
VARIANT: "TOLKIEN el Hobbit Calendario Oficial 2013 Ilustrado por Alan Lee y John Howe" Illustrations by Alan Lee and John Howe. Features cover art by both illustrators on opposite sides of the calendar.Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)
2013 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Calendario 2013 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" 2012 calendar by the Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. Cover and twelve monthly cards in a crystal case. Dimensions: case - 5 x 5 1/2; cards - 4 5/8 x 5 3/8 inches (w x h.)

Rarity: 7 These were created on demand (upon order.) (m)
2014 Editorial Planeta, S.A.

ISBN: 978-8445-000175
VARIANT: "EL HOBBIT 2014 Calendario Oficial Ilustrado por Jemima Caitlin" Illustrations by Jemima Caitlin. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)
2015 Editorial Planeta, S.A.

ISBN: 978-8445-000175
VARIANT: "EL HOBBIT 2014 Calendario Oficial Ilustrado por Mary Fairburn" Illustrated by Mary Fairburn. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)
2016 Editorial Planeta, S.A.

VARIANT: "2016 Tove Jansson TOLKIEN Calendario oficial" Illustrated by Tove Jansson. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)