1998 Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana
"J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1998 Societa' Tolkieniana Italiana" Inside back cover "4o Premio Silmaril "Calendario". Italian Tolkien Society. Illustrated by eleven artists: Maura Boldi, Flavio Brunetti, Ambra Colombrani, Andreina D'Ambrosio,Maria Distefano, Gianfranco Dutto, Domenico Franchi, Diego Iaconfcic, Alessandro Maccari, Luca Michelucci, Angelo Montanini. Found in two versions: This one which is wire-bound and has a metal loop for hanging it, and another which is glued and has a punched hole with a loop of white string for hanging. Being completely OCD about such variants, I am very pleased to own a copy of both versions.