
Earlier issues are French variants of the corresponding English Grafton/HarperCollins/HarperPrism issues. Includes the wonderful calendar illustrated by young Corentin Perron. All of these can be difficult to collect.
1993 Hexagonal (Grafton Books)(France)

VARIANT: "Le Calendrier Tolkien 1993 Par Alan Lee" Published in Drancy, France by Grafton Books; printed in Hong Kong. Illustrations by Alan Lee. Cover: "Two Orcs". Dimensions: 13 5/8 x 15 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanging loop.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial calendar, a large number were created. However, appears infrequently on eBay. (x)
1995 HarperCollins Paperbacks (France)

ISBN: 0-261-10316-4
VARIANT: "J.R.R. Tolkien Calendrier 1995" Printed in China. Text in French. Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13 5/8 x 15 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanging loop; medium-weight paperboard mailer/envelope.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, appears infrequently on eBay. The mailer may or may not be included. (m)
1997 HarperPrism (France)

VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendrier 1997 Illustr� par John Howe" French issue. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 8 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, appears very infrequently on eBay. (m)
1998 HarperCollins (France)

ISBN: 2-267-01412-2 (France)
VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendrier 1998" Edited by Christian Bourgois. Illustrations by eleven artists. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped with a heavy cardboard insert.

Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, this one has appeared on eBay only twice. (x)
2002 Pocket

"Calendrier 2002 Tolkien" From Pocket; in French. Clear plastic case with small monthly calendar cards. Obverse of each card with an illustration and calendar; reverse with the cover of a JRRT book issued by Pocket. Dimensions: Plastic case, 3 3/4 x 3 7/8; calendar cards, 3 x 3 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 As a commercial issue, I assume that many were created. But have seen this only twice on eBay. (x)
2006 Corentin Perron

"Calendrier 2006" Illustrated by Corentin Perron. Inspired by the Tolkien calendars of Nasmith and Howe, the young Mr. Perron created his own illustrations between the ages of 7 1/2 and 9 1/2. His father had the calendar printed in color and bound. You can view his illustrations on the Tolkiendil website. Dimensions: 6 x 8 1/4 inches (w x h); white wire-bound; heavy wire hanging loop.

Rarity: 9 Undetermined number created. (x)

2008 Pocket

"Calendrier 2008 Collector" From Pocket; in French. Given as a bonus upon purchase of books from Pocket. Single illustration related to Tolkien: "The Fellowship of the Ring" by John Howe. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches (w x h); black wire-bound; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 6 As a commercial issue, many were probably created. But I know of only two copies of it. (m)