Earlier issues are French variants of the corresponding English Grafton/HarperCollins/HarperPrism issues. Includes the wonderful calendar illustrated by young Corentin Perron. All of these can be difficult to collect. | |
1993 Hexagonal (Grafton Books)(France) ISBN: VARIANT: "Le Calendrier Tolkien 1993 Par Alan Lee" Published in Drancy, France by Grafton Books; printed in Hong Kong. Illustrations by Alan Lee. Cover: "Two Orcs". Dimensions: 13 5/8 x 15 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanging loop. Rarity: 9 As a commercial calendar, a large number were created. However, appears infrequently on eBay. (x) |
1995 HarperCollins Paperbacks (France) ISBN: 0-261-10316-4 VARIANT: "J.R.R. Tolkien Calendrier 1995" Printed in China. Text in French. Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13 5/8 x 15 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanging loop; medium-weight paperboard mailer/envelope. Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, appears infrequently on eBay. The mailer may or may not be included. (m) |
1997 HarperPrism (France) ISBN: VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendrier 1997 Illustr� par John Howe" French issue. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 8 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, appears very infrequently on eBay. (m) |
1998 HarperCollins (France) ISBN: 2-267-01412-2 (France) VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendrier 1998" Edited by Christian Bourgois. Illustrations by eleven artists. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped with a heavy cardboard insert. Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, this one has appeared on eBay only twice. (x) |
2002 Pocket "Calendrier 2002 Tolkien" From Pocket; in French. Clear plastic case with small monthly calendar cards. Obverse of each card with an illustration and calendar; reverse with the cover of a JRRT book issued by Pocket. Dimensions: Plastic case, 3 3/4 x 3 7/8; calendar cards, 3 x 3 inches (w x h). Rarity: 8 As a commercial issue, I assume that many were created. But have seen this only twice on eBay. (x) |
2006 Corentin Perron "Calendrier 2006" Illustrated by Corentin Perron. Inspired by the Tolkien calendars of Nasmith and Howe, the young Mr. Perron created his own illustrations between the ages of 7 1/2 and 9 1/2. His father had the calendar printed in color and bound. You can view his illustrations on the Tolkiendil website. Dimensions: 6 x 8 1/4 inches (w x h); white wire-bound; heavy wire hanging loop. Rarity: 9 Undetermined number created. (x) |
2008 Pocket "Calendrier 2008 Collector" From Pocket; in French. Given as a bonus upon purchase of books from Pocket. Single illustration related to Tolkien: "The Fellowship of the Ring" by John Howe. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches (w x h); black wire-bound; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 6 As a commercial issue, many were probably created. But I know of only two copies of it. (m) |