University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

Issues from the University of New Mexico Hobbit Society.
2006 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�The UNM Hobbit Society Presents its 3rd Annual 12 MONTH CALENDAR 2006" Illustrations by Daniel Bellum, Leslie McMurtry, and Raquel Montoya. Dimensions: 11 x 27 inches (w x h); spiral bound.

Rarity: 8 Only recently discovered.
2009 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�The UNM Hobbit Society 2009 Calendar" Illustrations by Daniel Bellum, Aimee Deans, Cait Rottler, Robert Bee, Madison Sams, and Bethany Abrahamson. Produced by Cora Brittain. Dimensions: 11 x 8 1/2 inches (w x h); saddle stapled.

Rarity: 8 Only recently discovered.
2010 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�The UNM Hobbit Society 2010 Calendar" Illustrations by Bethany Abrahamson, Aimee Deans, Katherine Kontos, Madison Sams, and Sam Sonntag. Produced by Cora Brittain. Dimensions: 11 x 8 1/2 inches (w x h); saddle stapled.

Rarity: 8 Only recently discovered.
2011 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�The UNM Hobbit Society 2011 Calendar" Illustrations by Bethany Abrahamson, Daniel Bellum, Erin Connor, Amanda Fingado, Shaelin Jornigan, Katherine Kontos, Candace Miller, and Madison Sams. Layout and design Bethany Abrahamson, Cora Brittain, and Leslie Donovan. Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11 inches (w x h); saddle stapled on the side.

Rarity: 8 Only recently discovered.
2012 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�UNM Hobbit Society 2012 Calendar" Issued by UNM Hobbit Society. Dimensions: 8.25 x 11 inches (w x h); black wire spiral bound.

Rarity: 8 45 were created. (m)
2015 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�2015 Fantasy Art Calendar Hobbit Society University of New Mexico" Issued by UNM Hobbit Society. Illustrations by Clarissa Anello, Dan Bellum, Jeff Benham, Ebe Kastein, Samuel Kerwin, Katherine Kontos, Fletcher Wallace. Design by Dusty Brooks and assistance from Morgan O'Mahony and Dr. Leslie A. Donovan. Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11 inches (w x h); spiral black wire binding.

Rarity: 8 50 were created. (m)
2016 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�2016 Fantasy Art Calendar Hobbit Society University of New Mexico" Issued by UNM Hobbit Society. Illustrations by Dan Bellum, Mia Casesa, Janette Duran, Kristin Gentry, Ebe Kastein, Lise Lookman, and Fletcher Wallace. Design by Janette Durn with assistance from Dr. Leslie A. Donovan. Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11 inches (w x h); spiral black wire binding.

Rarity: 8 50 were created. (m)