Adding detailed calendar pages. If you see the year/publisher of the calendar appear as a green link, you will find the monthly illustrations (plus inside front and back cover pages and centerfold, if created.) As of 4 August 2016, there are 133 such links for the calendars.

Assuming that I have counted correctly, the addition of the issues noted below (21 June 2015) brings the total number of calendars listed to 421! With the help of many fellow collectors and friends, I hope to continue to discover, catalog, and collect both new and old(er) issues. If you know of a calendar not listed here, please email me!


21 January 2016: Updated sections with the 2016 calendars.

21 June 2015: Added four Michael Weiler calendars to the 2015 and Germany sections.

9 June 2015: Added STI and Roman Tolkien Studies Association entries to 2015 and Italy sections.

27 December 2014: Added a 2015 section listing 13 new calendars.

8 January 2014: Added 2014 Tolkiendil calendar, 2014 Patrick Wynne, 2014 Editorial Planeta (Spain), 2013 Bodleian Library Advent calendar card, and 1992 JOC.

3 November 2013: Added 2014 calendars: Beyond Bree, Harper Collins, Jef Murray, Colin Williams (4.) Collected copies of 2002 and 2003 Aiolos (Greek) issues. (Thank you, Joe!)

27 January 2013: Added recently discovered UNM Hobbit Society issues (2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) to the chronological listings and created a UNM Hobbit listing in the Country/Society section. Added the 2013 page to the chronological listings.

24 December 2011: Created 2012 page (13 entries so far.) Created entry for 1974 A&U calendar advertisement.

20 February 2011: Created entries for 2011 Hollin Designs and S.T.E. calendars.

2 January 2011: Created entries for four 2011 Colin Williams calendars, the 2011 Desolation of Smaug, 2011 Ediciones Minotauro, and 2011 Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana. These bring the total number of calendars to 339.

27 December 2010: Added newly discovered Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola/Valladolid Smial 1996 and 1997 calendars.

20 November 2010: Added newly discovered Daniel Staten 2003 calendar.

3 October 2010: Started a 2011 page for the new issues.

2 April 2010: Added 2009 (desk) and 2010 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola issues.

1 January 2010: Added the new Colin Williams issues (a 2009 and four 2010.)

24 November 2009: Created 2010 Finnish TS entry.

22 November 2009: As there are now three HI/NETS calendars (and hopefully will be more in the future), added a Heren Istarion listing to the Country/Society section.

7 November 2009: Created entries for the following 2010 calendars: Astrid Nielsch, Beyond Bree, Desolation of Smaug, Ediciones Minotauro, HarperCollins (US and UK), Heren Istarion, Rabbit Ridge Art, Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana. Created entries for the following newly discovered calendars: 1993 Tierra Media, 2009 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola (credit card.)

21 February 2009: Added 1999 Houghton Mifflin poster calendar.
14 February 2009: Added 2009 Elendilion and Parmadili (Polish TS) calendars.
12 February 2009: Added four Minotauro issues (1995, 1997, 1999, 2000.)
24 January 2009: Added 2009 S.T.I.
28 December 2008: Added three Colin Williams calendars.
16 December 2008: Added 1994 W&G and 2009 deviantART.
6 December 2008: Added 2009 Minotauro.
29 November 2008: Added 2009 issues: Desolation of Smaug, Eldali�, HarperCollins (US & UK), Heren Istarion, Rabbit Ridge Art , Tolkiendil.
20 October 2008: Added 2001 Polish TS printing of 2001 Elvish Linguistic Calendar.
27 September 2008: Added 2006 Corentin Perron and 2008 S.T.I.