Tolkien Calendars 2008 - 2009

Lists the continuing series from Colin Williams, two Heren Istarion issues, and the 2009 Elendilion issue. The latter turned out to be the 300th calendar that I have been able to catalog.
2008 Colin Williams

�J.R.R. TOLKIEN CALENDAR MIDDLE EARTH 2008" Illustrated by Colin Williams. Clear plastic cover over a bright green title page. Illustrations from "The Hobbit". Dimensions: A4 (8 3/8 x 11 5/8 inches) (w x h); black wire bound through which a bamboo stick has been inserted with a loop of ribbon for hanging.

Rarity: 8 Only 50 were created as Christmas presents for family and friends. (s)
2008 Colin Williams

�J.R.R. TOLKIEN CALENDAR MIDDLE EARTH 2008" Illustrated by Colin Williams. Cover illustration on tracing paper over a green sheet with the calendar title. Illustrations from "The Hobbit". Dimensions: A3 (11.75 x 16.5 inches) (w x h); black wire bound through which a bamboo stick has been inserted with a loop of ribbon for hanging.

Rarity: 8 Only 50 were created as Christmas presents for family and friends. (s)
2008 Desolation of Smaug Productions

�Desolation of Smaug Productions Presents Images from Tales Twice Told The Folklore of Middle-earth illustrated by Louise Ying Chen a calendar for 2008� Illustrated by Louise Ying Chen. Dimensions: 11 x 8� inches (w x h); white wire bound.

Rarity: 8 Only 15 were created. (m)
2008 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0765
VARIANT: "Tolkien Los Hijos de Hurin Calendario 2008 Ilustrado por Alan Lee" Illustrations by Alan Lee. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 5 Although a commercial issue, these can be hard to find. (m)
2008 Eldali�

�Eldali� Calendario 2008" Published by Associazione Culturale Eldali�, Swiss Smial (Ticino) of the Swiss Tolkien Society. Illustrations by Valentina Vezzali, Linda Sartini, Cesarina Ciotti, Federico Beltrami, Francesco Amadio, Mariachiara Rossetti, Andrea Olgiati. Dimensions: 11 x 11.25 inches (w x h); white wire bound; 16 pages.

Rarity: 8 If same as previous years. (x)
2008 HarperCollins

ISBN: 0-06-133815-X (US/CAN); 0-00-725602-7(UK/EUR)
"TOLKIEN The Children of Hurin 2008 Illustrated by Alan Lee" Illustrations by Alan Lee. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 3 Still possible to find shrinkwrapped. (x,m)(m)
2008 Heren Istarion

"Heren Istarion 2008 The Northeast Tolkien Society" Illustrations by Ted Nasmith, Jef Murray, Catherine Sparsidis. Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; white envelope.

Rarity: 7 about 110 were printed. (x,s)
2008 LeukeBoekjes

�Tolkien Kalender by Jos 2008� Illustrated by Jos van Zijl. Illustrations identical to his 2007 Tolkien calendar. Printed by Impress BV, Woerden. Dimensions: 13 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches (w x h); silver wire-bound with metal hanging loop.

Rarity: 9 Only 10 were sold. (x)

2008 Pocket

"Calendrier 2008 Collector" From Pocket; in French. Given as a bonus upon purchase of books from Pocket. Single illustration related to Tolkien: "The Fellowship of the Ring" by John Howe. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches (w x h); black wire-bound; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 6 As a commercial issue, many were probably created. But I know of only two copies of it. (m)
2008 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Merry Christmas" A Christmas postcard with 2008 calendar from La Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. The illustration is from the last Father Christmas letter from JRRT to his daughter, Priscilla, with a greeting from the Spanish Tolkien Society. Dimensions: 3.875 x 8.25 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 6? Need to confirm number with S.T.E. Probably not more than several hundred. (x)
2008 Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana

�S.T.I. 2008 D'ARMI, D'AMORI DI DAME E CAVALIERI Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana" Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 Unknown number published, but probably not a large number. (x)

2008 Tolkiendil

�Tolkiendil Calendrier 2008" Issued by Tolkiendil, a French Tolkien society. 16 pages with front/back covers. Illustrations and poems in French by numerous members. Dimensions: 8.25 x 5.75 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 7 Only 60 were created. (m)
2009 Astrid Nielsch

�MIDDLE EARTH NEW ZEALAND 2009 CALENDAR" Photographs by Astrid Nielsch of the NZ locations in which the LotR movies were shot. Per the photographer, the months are listed here. Printed on white card stock. Dimensions: 11 x 8� inches (w x h); white wire bound.

Rarity: 8 15 were created. (x)
2009 Colin Williams

�J.R.R. TOLKIEN CALENDAR AN UNEXPECTED PARTY 2009" Illustrated by Colin Williams. Clear plastic cover over a bright green title page. Illustrations from "The Hobbit". Dimensions: A4 (8 3/8 x 11 5/8 inches) (w x h); black wire bound.

Rarity: 8 Only 50 were created as Christmas presents for family and friends. (s)
2009 Colin Williams

�J.R.R. TOLKIEN CALENDAR AN UNEXPECTED PARTY 2009" Illustrated by Colin Williams. Cover illustration on tracing paper over a yellow sheet with the calendar title. Illustrations from "The Hobbit". Dimensions: A3 (11.75 x 16.5 inches) (w x h); black wire bound.

Rarity: 8 Only 50 were created as Christmas presents for family and friends. (s)
2009 Colin Williams

�J.R.R. TOLKIEN CALENDAR THE LORD OF THE RINGS - BOOK I 2009" Illustrated by Colin Williams. Illustrations from "The Lord of the Rings". First essay into both LotR and full-color illustrations. Dimensions: A4 (8 3/8 x 11 5/8 inches (w x h); clear plastic sheet over cover; black wire bound.

Rarity: 10 Only 2 were created. (s)
2009 Colin Williams

�J.R.R. TOLKIEN CALENDAR THE LORD OF THE RINGS - BOOK I 2009" Illustrated by Colin Williams. Illustrations from "The Lord of the Rings". First essay into both LotR and full-color illustrations. Dimensions: A3 (11.75 x 16.5 inches) (w x h); clear plastic sheet over cover; black wire bound.

Rarity: 8 Only 15 were created as Christmas presents for family and friends. (s)
2009 Desolation of Smaug Productions

�Desolation of Smaug Productions Presents Images from Tales Twice Told The Folklore of Middle-earth illustrated by Louise Ying Chen a calendar for 2009� Illustrated by Louise Ying Chen. Dimensions: 11 x 8� inches (w x h); white wire bound.

Rarity: 9 Only 10 were created. (m)
2009 Ediciones Minotauro

ISBN: 788-445-0771
VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendario 2009 Ilustrado por Ted Nasmith" Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; corrugated cardboard insert; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 1 Current year calendar. (m)
2009 Eldali�

�Eldali� Calendario 2009" Published by Associazione Culturale Eldali�, Swiss Smial (Ticino) of the Swiss Tolkien Society. Illustrations by . Dimensions: 11 x 11.25 inches (w x h); white wire bound; 16 pages.

Rarity: 8 If the same number as previous years. (x)
2009 Elendilion (Polish Tolkienist Newsletter)

�The Elendilion Calendar 2009 Illuminations of Middle-earth� Publication of Goold Maggot Publishers and Polish Tolkien Society "Parmadili" for Elendilion (Polish Tolkienist Newsletter.) J.R.R.T's mythology in the artwork by Tom Loback. Gregorian calendar compared with the reckonings of Imladris, The Shire, and Gondor. 8.25 x 11.75 inches (w x h) (A4); cover is clear, plastic sheet; back cover is heavy, black sheet; punched hanging hole; black comb-bound.

Rarity: 7 Probably not a large number produced. (x)
2009 HarperCollins

ISBN: 0-06-156528-1 (US/CAN); 0-00-727368-3 (UK/EUR)
"Tolkien Calendar 2009" Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped.

Rarity: 1 Current issue. (x,m) (x)
2009 Heren Istarion

"Heren Istarion 2009 The Northeast Tolkien Society" Illustrations by Catherine Chmiel, Colin Williams, and Jef Murray. Available from Heren Istarion/Northeast Tolkien Society. Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; labeled white envelope.

Rarity: 7 100 were created. (x)
2009 Polish Tolkien Society

�KALENDARZ PARMADILICH 2009 Ze szkicownika Marigold� Publication of Sekcja Tolkienowska Slaskiego Klubu Fantastyki. Illustrations by Malgorzata "Marigold" Pudlik. Gregorian calendar compared with the reckonings of Imladris, The Shire, and Gondor. 8.25 x 11.75 inches (w x h) (A4); cover is clear, plastic sheet; back cover is heavy, black sheet; punched hanging hole; black comb-bound.

Rarity: 7 Probably not a large number produced. (x)
2009 Rabbit Ridge Art

"Songs of Middle-earth 2009 Calendar" Illustrations in stained glass themes and colors. Available from Rabbit Ridge Art. Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches (w x h); black wire bound.

Rarity: 7 Currently available at their website. 60 have been created so far. Ultimate rarity will be based upon number created. (x)
2009 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" Credit card-sized calendar with 2009 calendar on back.Dimensions: 3 3/8 x 2 1/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 8 Unknown number published, but probably not a large number. (x)
2009 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola

�2009 Calendario Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola" 2009 desk calendar by the Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola. Dimensions: 4 x 5 3/4 inches (w x h); black wire bound.

Rarity: 7 100 were created. (m)
2009 Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana

�S.T.I. 2009 UN ANNO NELLA TERRA DI MEZZO Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana" From the Italian Tolkien Society. Illustrations by Maria Distefano, Giovanni Franchi, Marina Fusari, Alessandro Maccari, Emanuele Manfredi, Davide Pagin, Paola Ramella, Dario Righetto, Marina Sussa, Cinzin Zonta. Dimensions: 11 1/4 x 11 1/4 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 7 100 were created. (x)
2009 Tolkiendil

�Tolkiendil Calendrier 2009" Issued by Tolkiendil, a French Tolkien society. 12 pages with front/back covers. Illustrations and poems in French by numerous members. Dimensions: 8.25 x 5.75 inches (w x h).

Rarity: 7 Only 60 were created. (m)
2009 University of New Mexico Hobbit Society

�The UNM Hobbit Society 2009 Calendar" Illustrations by Daniel Bellum, Aimee Deans, Cait Rottler, Robert Bee, Madison Sams, and Bethany Abrahamson. Produced by Cora Brittain. Dimensions: 11 x 8 1/2 inches (w x h); saddle stapled.

Rarity: 8 Only recently discovered.