Lists several rare (the 1998 Alex Lewis Khandlendar, two 1998 Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana, and three Czech Tolkien Society ) and hard-to-find (Polish Tolkien Society) issues. It is interesting that this group is less than 10 years old, yet contains so many rare or hard-to-find issues. Scarcity may be determined as much by the country of origin as by the number of calendars issued. | |
1996 Czech Tolkien Society �1996" Black and white illustrations by Jakub Koci, Vladimir Wagner, Katerina Garcia. Comparison of various calendar reckonings. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches (w x h); black comb bound. Rarity: 9 Have not been able to determine how many were printed. However, very hard to find. (x) |
1996 Ediciones Minotauro ISBN: 84-450-7212-9 VARIANT: �J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1996� Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 13 3/8 x 15 1/4 inches (w x h); wire-bound; thick plastic hanging loop. Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. Has appeared only once on eBay. (x) |
1996 Finnish Tolkien Society "1996 Keski-maa Kalenteri" Pen and ink illustrations by Elisabeth Edin, Johanna Iso-Jarvenpaa, and Jani Nummela. Dimensions: 12 x 8 1/4 inches (w x h); stapled. Rarity: 7 It is still possible to order many of the Finnish TS calendars directly from them. (x) |
1996 HarperCollins ISBN: 0-06-105504-2 (US/Can); 0-261-10321-0 (UK/Eur) "J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar 1996" Illustrations by Ted Nasmith. Dimensions: 13 5/8 x 15 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanging loop; medium-weight paperboard mailer/envelope. Rarity: 7 The mailer is most often included. (m) (m) |
1996 Italian Tolkien Society "J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1996 Vincitori 1� Premio Silmaril" Illustrations: Cover - Alessandro Maccari (La Compagnia dell'Anello); Alessandra Cimatoribus (Barbalbero) (L'ultimo viaggio) (Il Monte Fato), Domenico Franchi (Arwen Undomiel), Andrea Sfiligoi (Due hobbit nella tana di Shelob), Sara Avon (La Spada Pungolo), Andrea Toselli (Billy Felci e l'Insengardiano alla Taverna del Puledro Impennato), Luca Michelucci (Avanti cavalieri di Theoden) (A Minas Tirith), Giovanni Giurco (Galadriel e lo specchio), Giorgio Cavalieri (Tramonto sulla casa di Frodo),Maura Boldi (Il vascello di Galadriel), Eta Musciad (Barbalbero). Dimensions: 13 3/8 x 15.75 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanging loop; cardboard mailer/envelope. Rarity: 7 With the mailer: 10 Has not appeared on eBay or other sources in a while. As with all calendars, the mailers were often discarded. (m) |
1996 Rodney Matthews ISBN: 1 875842 20 9 �RODNEY MATTHEWS Fantasy Images 1996 CALENDAR� Illustrations by Rodney Matthews. A fantasy art calendar with three illustrations (including the Treebeard cover) related to Tolkien. Dimensions: 12 x 12 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 8 A fairly sizeable number were probably created, but these appear infrequently on eBay. Several may still be ordered from his website. (m) |
1996 Slaski Klub Fantastyki "Tolkien Calendar 1996 SKF Katowice" Published by Slaski Klub Fantastyki, Poland (Polish Tolkien Society). Illustrations by Ryszard Derdzinski, Arkadiusz Jubala, Helena Strolkowska, Malgorzata Pudlik, Maciej Wygnanski, Aleksandra Jagielowica. Reckonings in standard dates, the Buckland calendar, new reckoning of King Elessar, and the Calendar of Imladris. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 16 1/2 inches (w x h); white comb-bound at top. Rarity: 9 Based upon assumption that relatively few (less than 100? Need confirmation from the Polish TS) were created and their absence on eBay. I know of very few in the hands of collectors. (x) |
1996 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola/Valladolid Smial "Computo de Imladris Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola 96 97" Created by members of the Valladolid Smial of the Spanish Tolkien Society. A wall calendar of the elvish "year" (loa) which began in March 1996: one sheet per elvish "month" (tuile, laire, etc) plus an illustrated front-cover; every cell included its Gregorian equivalent - also lunar phases and other info. Dimensions: A4 size. Rarity: 8 It is estimated that a dozen or so were created. |
1997 Czech Tolkien Society �Srovnavaci Kalendar Stredozeme 1997" Comparison of various calendar reckonings. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches (w x h); black comb bound. Rarity: 9 Have not been able to determine how many were printed. However, very hard to find. (x) |
1997 Ediciones Minotauro ISBN: 84-450-7256-0 VARIANT: �J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1997� Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13 1/2; x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrink-wrapped; with heavy cardboard insert. Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. Has appeared only once on eBay. (x) |
1997 Finnish Tolkien Society "Keski-Maa-kalenteri 1997" Pen and ink illustrations by Sari Luoto-Tudeer, Lotta Hona Penelope Raatikainen, Ville Ruotsalainen, Teppo Repo. Dimensions: 11 1/2 x 8 1/4 inches (w x h); stapled on the fold. Rarity: 7 It is still possible to order many of the Finnish TS calendars directly from them. (x) |
1997 HarperCollins ISBN (US/CAN): 0-06-105525-5 "Tolkien Calendar 1997" Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 6 Shrinkwrapped: 9 (m,x) |
1997 HarperPrism (France) ISBN: VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendrier 1997 Illustr� par John Howe" French issue. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 8 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, appears very infrequently on eBay. (m) |
1997 HarperPrism (UK) ISBN (UK/Europe): 0-261-10336-9 VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendar 1997" Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 6 Shrinkwrapped: 9 (x,m) |
1997 Italian Tolkien Society "J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1997 Vincitori 2� Premio Silmaril" Illustrations: Cover - Luca Michelucci; Gloria Della Rossa (Il Cavaliere Nero fiuta la presenza dell'Anello), Maura Boldi (Baccador), Dalmathio Frau (Gandalf contro il Balrog), Ambra Colombani (I Cavalieri Neri, al Guado del Bruinen), Giovanni Giurco (Gandalf incontra Ombromanto), Andrea Rivola (Frodo, Sam e Gollum in viaggio per Mordor), Anton Spazzapan (Dawn on Mindolluin), Domenico Franchi (Re Elessar), Alessandro Maccari (Mithlond, i Porti Grigi), Luca Canova (Il discorso di Feanor ai noldoli), Victor Sneep (Una riunione inaspettata), Michele Mariani (Smaug) primo classificato assoluto. Dimensions: 13 3/8 x 15.75 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanging loop. Rarity: 7 Has not appeared on eBay or other sources in a while. (x) |
1997 Nyellinke Eldarin "Kalendarz Elfow z Imladris na rok 1997" Edited by Ryszard Derdzinski. An elvish calendar done in the reckoning of Imladris with corresponding Gregorian dates. Dimensions: 8.25 x 11.75 inches (w x h); clear plastic cover; white comb bound. Rarity: 9 I know of only two copies but assume that more were published. (x) |
1997 Rusconi ISBN: 88-18-12153-7 VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendario 1997 illustrato da John Howe" Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 8 Has not appeared on eBay or other sources in a while. (m) |
1997 Sekcja Tolkienowska Slaskiego Klubu Fantastyki "Tolkien Calendar 1997" Published by the Polish Tolkien Society). Pen and ink illustrations. Dates by various reckonings. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 16 1/2 inches (w x h); clear plastic sheet over half of cover; white plastic comb bound. Rarity: 9 Based upon assumption that relatively few (less than 100? Need confirmation from the Polish TS) were created and their absence on eBay. I know of very few in the hands of collectors. (x) |
1997 Sociedad Tolkien Espa�ola/Valladolid Smial "Calendario de Imladris " Created by members of the Valladolid Smial of the Spanish Tolkien Society. A pocket-size notebook with one sheet sheet per elvish "week" (enquie), plus one illustration at the beginning of each "month". Dimensions: A7 size; black spiral wirebound. Rarity: 8 An estimated 40 were created. (x) |
1997 Unquendor (Dutch Tolkien Society) "Unquendor�s Third Lustrum Calendar" Pen and ink illustrations by various artists. Dimensions: 11 5/8 x 8.25 inches (w x h); stapled. Rarity: 7 Perhaps 100 were created. Hard to find now that Ren� has sold his last copy. (x) |
1997 Zysk i S-ka ISBN: VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendarz 1997 illustrowal John Howe" Published by Zysk i S-ka. Illustrations by John Howe. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole. I have not seen the Polish calendars shrinkwrapped; it has been reported to me that, even when new, they are not. Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were probably created. However, this one has appeared on eBay only once. |
1998 Alex Lewis "1998 Khandlendar compiled by Salman Rushtoes" An absolutely delightful, extremely humorous calendar hand-made by Alex Lewis. Illustrations by Mustaphaa Goa Ttitt, Renee Neeneerenee, Serena Di'Consuello, Clarence Bywater-Hicks VI, and Clara Brandybuck! The liner notes say it all: "The 1998 Khandlendar is the work of many hands, collected by the discerning eye of Salman Rushtoes (Mart.) and is a multi-media compilation of artwork, including photographic, modern art and some from the minimalist school." Dimensions: 11 5/8 x 16 3/4; white comb-bound on the top; string hanger. Rarity: 10 Only 10 were produced for various friends. (x) |
1998 Czech Tolkien Society �Srovnavaci Kalendar 1998" Comparison of various calendar reckonings. Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches (w x h); black comb bound. Rarity: 9 Have not been able to determine how many were printed. However, very hard to find. (x) |
1998 Ediciones Minotauro ISBN: 84-45-072837 VARIANT: �Tolkien Calendario 1998� Illustrations by several artists. Dimensions: 13 1/2; x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped; with heavy cardboard insert. Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were produced. However, these are very hard to find. (x) |
1998 Finnish Tolkien Society "Keski-Maa-kalenteri 1998" Pen and ink illustrations by Sari Luoto-Tudeer, Rudi Airisto, Sami Vaha-Aho, Paivi Tienari, Loviisa Mustonen. Brief notes on the (young) illustrators and much information about the Finnish Tolkien Society. Dimensions: 11 11/16 x 8 1/4 inches; stapled; no hanging hole. Rarity: 7 It is still possible to order many of the Finnish TS calendars directly from them. (x) |
1998 HarperCollins (UK) ISBN (UK/EUR/AUS): 0-261-10350-4 "Tolkien Calendar 1998" Illustrations by eleven artists. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped with a heavy cardboard insert. Rarity: 6 Shrinkwrapped: 9 (m) |
1998 HarperCollins (France) ISBN: 2-267-01412-2 (France) VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendrier 1998" Edited by Christian Bourgois. Illustrations by eleven artists. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped with a heavy cardboard insert. Rarity: 9 As a commercial issue, a large number were created. However, this one has appeared on eBay only twice. (x) |
1998 HarperPrism ISBN (US/CAN): 0-06-757487-4 VARIANT: "Tolkien Calendar 1998" Illustrations by eleven artists. Dimensions: 13.5 x 10 3/8 inches (w x h); stapled; punched hanging hole; shrinkwrapped. Rarity: 6 Shrinkwrapped: 9 (x,m) |
1998/1999 Sekcja Tolkienowska Slaskiego Klubu Fantastyki �Kalendarz magazynu Simbelmyn� na rok 1998/1999� A nice calendar with 13 illustrations by two famous Polish illustrators: Karolina Stopa and Arkadiusz Kubala. Artwork in B&W, calendar pages in red. Gregorian calendar compared with the reckonings of Imladris, Buckland, Gondor and Dwarves. Moon phases are displayed. From the Polish Tolkien Society. Dimensions: 8 3/8 x 11 5/8 inches (w x h); clear plastic cover; stapled. Rarity: 8 Based upon assumption that relatively few (less than 100? Need confirmation from the Polish TS) were created and their absence on eBay. I know of very few in the hands of collectors. However, is listed for sale on Galadhorn's Tolkien Shop (x) |
1998 Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana "J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1998 Societa' Tolkieniana Italiana" Inside back cover "4o Premio Silmaril "Calendario". Italian Tolkien Society. Illustrated by eleven artists: Maura Boldi, Flavio Brunetti, Ambra Colombrani, Andreina D'Ambrosio,Maria Distefano, Gianfranco Dutto, Domenico Franchi, Diego Iaconfcic, Alessandro Maccari, Luca Michelucci, Angelo Montanini. Dimension: 13 x 14 1/4 inches (w x h); bound at the top edge with glue; punched hanging hole at top. Rarity: 9 I know of two copies of it; appeared once on eBay (with the pages separated). (x) |
1998 Societ� Tolkieniana Italiana VARIANT: "J.R.R. Tolkien Calendario 1998 Societa' Tolkieniana Italiana" Inside back cover "4o Premio Silmaril "Calendario". Italian Tolkien Society. Illustrated by eleven artists: Maura Boldi, Flavio Brunetti, Ambra Colombrani, Andreina D'Ambrosio,Maria Distefano, Gianfranco Dutto, Domenico Franchi, Diego Iaconfcic, Alessandro Maccari, Luca Michelucci, Angelo Montanini. Dimension: 13 x 14 1/4 inches (w x h); wire bound; heavy wire hanger loop. Rarity: 9 I know of only two copies. (x) |